نبيل قوشجي

أ. د. نبيل نادر قوشجي

ملخص السيرة الذاتية:

  1. التعليم:

    • شهادة إجازة في طب الأسنان – جامعة دمشق 1997
    • شهادة الماجستير في العلوم الطبية والصيدلانية – جامعة بروكسل – بلجيكا 2001
    • شهادة الدكتوراة في علوم طب الأسنان – جامعة بروكسل – بلجيكا 2005
  2. المؤلفات

    • 13 كتاباً مؤلفاً باللغة العربية
    • ثلاثة كتب معربة عن اللغة الإنكليزية ومطبوعة باللغتين عن دار النشر العالمية الطبية Elsevier.
    • كتابان مؤلفان باللغة الإنكليزية (أطروحتي الماجستير والدكتوراة)
    • مشاركة في تأليف كتاب: Contemporary Oral Medicine  المطبوع في ألمانيا باللغة الإنكليزية عن دار النشر العالمية Springer.
    • 27 مقالة منشورة في مجلات عالمية محكمة
    • ثلاث روايات  منشورات بخمس طبعات وباللغتين العربية والانكليزية
  3.  محكم دولي لأحد عشر مجلة علمية عالمية
  4. الخبرة الأكاديمية

    • العميد المؤسس لكلية طب الأسنان جامعة الشام 2016-2019
    • رئيس قسم النسج والتشريح المرضي بكلية طب الأسنان بجامعة دمشق 2010-2014
    • أستاذ في كلية طب الأسنان بجامعة دمشق
    • أستاذ زائر في جامعة البعث للعام الجامعي: 2006-2007
    • أستاذ محاضر في أكثر من جامعة سورية خاصة
  5. الخبرة الطبية الإدارية واللجان:

    • رئيس الرابطة السورية للتشريح المرضي (انتخاباً منذ 2019)
    • عضو اتحاد الكتاب العرب (2019)
    • رئيس لجنة الامتحانات وعضو مجلس البورد السوري للطب الشرعي (انتخاباً منذ عام 2014)
    • أمين سر الجمعية السورية لطب الأسنان الشرعي (انتخاباً منذ عام 2009-2019)
    • أمين سر الجمعية السورية لأمراض الفم (انتخاباً منذ عام 2006-2019)
    • عضو الجمعية السورية للأورام 2005
    • عضو الرابطة السورية لعلم الأمراض 2003
    • زميل الجمعية الملكية البلجيكية للتشريح المرضي 2002
    • عضو الجمعية العالمية للتشريح المرضي – فرع أوربا الغربية 2002
  6. الجوائز العالمية: جائزة روبرت فرانك من الأكاديمية العالمية لبحوث الفم والأسنان – فرع القارة الأوربية في أمستردام – هولندا لعام 2005
  7. المحاضرات: عشرات المحاضرات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية
  8. الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراة

    • 25 رسالة ماجستير تم الإشراف عليها وإنجازها
    • 6 رسائل دكتوراة تم الإشراف عليها وإنجازها

جميع هذه الرسائل تم إنجازها في كليات طب الأسنان في جامعتي دمشق والبعث وكلية الصيدلة في جامعة دمشق والمعهد العالي لليزر في جامعة دمشق.

  1. اللغات

    • العربية هي اللسان الأم
    • الانكليزية كتابة وقراءة ومحادثة بطلاقة
    • الفلمنكية كتابة وقراءة ومحادثة جيد جداً
    • الألمانية والفرنسية إلمام متوسط بالقراءة والكتابة



Prof. Dr. Nabil Nader Kochaji











  • 1999- 2005 PhD in Dentistry, Pathology, Free University of Brussels (VUB), Brussels, Belgium. Graduated October 2005.
  • 2000- 2002 MSc Master in Medical & Pharmaceutical Research, Free University of Brussels (VUB), Brussels, Belgium.,  Graduated June 2002, with grade of distinction 
  • 1992–1997, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria, D.D.S. Doctor in Dental Science. Graduated Summer 1997, with very good grade


Academic Experience


  • 2017 – Full Professor, Dentistry Faculty, Damascus University
  • 2016- Founding Dean, Dentistry Faculty, Al-Sham private university, ASPU
  • 2012- Associated Professor, Dentistry Faculty, Damascus University
  • 2010 – Head of Department of Oral Histology and Pathology,

Dentistry Faculty, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria.

  • 2006- Full time Assistant Professor of Oral Pathology and Histology Dentistry Faculty, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria. Responsible of teaching second and third year dental students and supervising post graduate oral pathology specialty researchers and students.
  • 2009 – Part Time Professor of Histology and Pathology and Forensic Dentistry, Dentistry Faculty, Al-Kalamoun University, Syria.
  • 2007- 2009 Part time Professor of Histology and Pathology, Dentistry Faculty International University of Science and Technology, IUST, Syria. Responsible of teaching second, third, and fourth year dental students
  • 2007- 2008 Visiting Professor of Histology and Pathology, Dentistry Faculty Syrian International University of Science and Technology, SIUST, Syria. Responsible of teaching third year dental students
  • 2006-2007 Visiting Professor of Oral Histology and Oral Pathology, Dentistry Faculty, Al-Baath University, Hama, Syria.  Responsible of teaching second year dental students and supervising post graduate dentist in oral pathology subject during their post graduate training.
  • 2007  Founder of Al-Kochaji publishing house,
  • 2006- Running and Coordinating first Private Oral Pathology Service in the Middle-East.
  • 1999 –Sep 2005, Researcher in (Oral) Pathology and Histology, University of Brussels, Belgium
  • 1997–1999, Teacher of practical oral Pathology & histology, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria
  • 1997-1999,General Dentist, Own Clinic, Damascus, Syria



  • Senior Robert Frank Award for research in dentistry in the year 2005. For the research project titled: the possible role of myoepithelial cells in salivary glands pathogenesis. Selected by the committee of the International Academy of Dental Research, Continental European Division, Amsterdam The Netherlands. IADR- Robert Frank Award 2005.


Authorship of Books


  1. Silicon Valley, (Thriller Novel), first edition 2019
  2. I Know who killed me, (Thriller Novel), first English edition 2019
  3. Contemporary Oral Medicine, printed in Germany from Springer 2018
  4. I Know who killed me, (Thriller Novel), first Arabic edition 2016
  5. A Journey to Mars, (science fiction novel), first English edition 2015
  6. A Journey to Mars, (science fiction novel), first Arabic edition 2014
  7. Forensic Dental Evidence, second edition (Bilingual Book, English- Arabic), printed in co-publishing program with ELSEVIER 2013
  8. Cawson`s  Essentials of Oral Pathology and Medicine, (Bilingual Book, English- Arabic), printed in co-publishing program with ELSEVIER 2011
  9. Forensic Dental Evidence (Bilingual Book, English- Arabic), printed in co-publishing program with ELSEVIER 2011
  10. Swine Flue Vaccination (in Arabic) 2010

Problem Facing Dentists During their Practice (three volumes, in Arabic) 2009

  1. Part 1: Muscular-Skeletal Disorders
  2. Part 2: Infection Control
  3. Part 3: Dental Office environment effects
  4. Maintaining Oral hygiene  of Cancer patient (in Arabic) 2009
  5. Swine Flue (in Arabic) 2009

         Oral Pathology for Practicing Dentists (series with several authors, in Arabic)

  • Volume 1: Oral Mucosa Lesions
  1. Part 1: White lesions (April 2007)
  2. Part 2: Red Lesions (Augustus 2007)
  3. Part 3: Ulcerative lesions (Augustus 2007)
  4. Part 4: Lymphatic lesions (Augustus 2007)
  5. Part 5: Vesicolobullous lesions (September 2007)
  6. Part 6: Verrocous lesions (February 2008)
  7. Part 7: Pigmented lesions (March 2008)
  8. Odontogenic Cysts, Clinical Complication & Potential Neoplastic Transformation. Thesis submitted to obtain the title Doctor of Philosophy in Dental Science (PhD), University of Brussels 2005 (in English –translated and published in Arabic 2009).
  9. Expression of cell proliferating-associated nuclear antigen Ki67 in jaws cyst, Master thesis submitted to obtain the degree of master in medical and pharmaceutical research at the University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium. June 2002 (in English).



Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals


  1. The progression of skin cancer by using Carcinogen in the Hamster During laser irradiation, Iranian Journal of Medical Physics 2018
  2. Proliferative Activity of Myoepithelial Cells in Normal Salivary Glands and Adenoid Cystic Carcinomas Based on Double Immunohistochemical Labeling


  1. Studying The Effect of Age and Gender on The Distribution of The two types keratocystic odontogenic tumour (in Arabic)  سلسلة العلوم الصحية ISSN: 2079-309X 39 (3)2018
  2. The efficacy of ultrasonography in monitoring the healing of jaw lesions, Imaging science in dentistry 48 (3), 153-160, 2018
  3. Development of Temperature Distribution and Light Propagation Model in Biological Tissue Irradiated by 980 nm Laser Diode and Using COMSOL Simulation, Journal of lasers in medical sciences 8 (3), 118  2017
  4. Mineralized Plasmatic Matrix to Enhance the Bone Grafting Technique Journal of Hard Tissue Biology 26 (3), 289-292  2017
  5. Inflammatory odontogenic cyst on an osseointegrated implant: A peri-implant cyst? New entity proposed, Dental and Medical Problems 54 (3), 303-306 2017
  6. Proliferative Activity of Myoepithelial Cells in Irradiated Rabbit Parotid and Submandibular Salivary Glands Journal of international oral health: JIOH 7 (Suppl 2), 1, 2015
  7. Topical alendronate enhance the healing of maxillary sinus lefting for dental implantation in osteoporosis women: clinical study OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 26, S432-S433, 2015
  8. Evaluation of topical alendronate on success of maxillary sinus elevation OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 25, S297-S298 2014
  9. Alveolar ridge augmentation using chin bone graft, bovine bone mineral, and titanium mesh Journal of Indian Society of periodontology 16 (2), 235    2012
  10. PTCH expression in Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour, (Damascus University Medical Journal Volume 1, 2011)
  11. Epidemiological study of odontogenic jaw cysts in part of the Syrian population, (Damascus University Medical Journal Volume 1, 2011)
  12. The effect of glucosamine and chondroitin alone or in combination in treatment of chondrotoxicity induced by pefloxacine in juvenile wisrar rats, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, Volume 8, Issue 1, May – June 2011; Article-003.
  13. Laser Effects on Normal Oral Mucousa, (Damascus University Medical Journal Volume 1, 2009)
  14. Myoepithelial cells in rat salivary glands, IADR, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.  (September 14 – September 17, 2005).
  15. The possible role of myoepithelial cells in salivary glands pathogenesis. International Academy of Dental Research, Continental European Division. IADR- Robert Frank Award 2005.
  16. PTCH expression in odontogenic cysts, cause of pathogenesis or reason of clinical complication. Oral Oncology EXTRA: Oct 2005: 32-36. Ranked first in the Journal of Oral Oncology competition by Elsevier.
  17. Ki67 & P53 expression correlation in odontogenic cysts, Journal of oral Pathology and Medicine, Volume 33 Issue 8 Page 458  – September 2004
  18. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma: what we know, what we need to know and guide –line proposal for coming cases. Oral Oncology EXTRA: Sep 2004:
  19. Epidemiological study of odontogenic jaw cysts in part of the Belgian population, Journal of Oral Med & Pathology, Sep 2003 Volume 8
  20. Central Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma, Histopathology Volume 41 Issue s1 Page 26  – October 2002. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2559.41.s1.1.x.



  • Syrian Association of Pathology 2019, elected as the founding president.
  • Arab Writer Union 2019
  • Syrian Society for Foensic Dentistry 2009,(elected as general secretary.2009-2019)
  • Syrian Board of Oral Pathology 2008, elected as Exams Committee Coordinator.
  • Syrian Society of Oral Pathology 2006, (elected as the General Secretary,2006-2019)
  • Syrian Committee of Pathology 2003
  • International academy of pathology, British and western Europe division 2002
  • Belgian society of pathology 2001
  • Syrian dental association 1997


Some of the Participating in conferences as a lecturer


  • Jordanian University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. 2009.
  • The International Association of Dental Research IADR September 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • International Academy of Oral Pathology Conference, 2005 Spain.
  • International Academy of Pathology bi-annual conference 2004 in The Netherlands.
  • Belgian Society of Pathology meetings of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2006.
  • Syrian Society of Pathology annual meetings of 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2018.
  • Syrian Association of Dentistry bi-annual meetings of 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2018, 2019.
  • many local conferences of Damascus Syndicate of dentists, and the Syrian Maxillofacial Surgeons, Syrian Society of Oral Medicine, and Damascus University dentistry meetings from in 1998 till 2018.
  • The 1st Syrian Forensic Odontology Conference, April 2006, Damascus, Syria.
  • The 5th conference of the Flemish Dental Association, May 2005,Oostende, Belgium.
  • The XII conference of the International Association of Oral Pathology, October 2004, Madrid Spain.
  • The 24th congress of the international academy of pathology, October 2002, Amsterdam The Netherlands.
  • The first international multidisciplinary dentistry congress, June2002, Damascus Syria.
  • The first international congress on salivary gland disease, january2002, Geneva Switzerland.
  • The 10 annual meeting for the Belgian comity of pathology, December 2001, Brussels Belgium.
  • BioSource 2001 Symposium on cancer and Alzheimer mechanisms, October 2001, Brussels Belgium.



  • The possible role of myoepithelial cells in salivary glands pathogenesis, poster presented in IADR 2005 conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • What are myoepithelial cells in salivary glands? A poster presented in the 5th conference of the Flemish Dental Association,  Oostende, Belgium. (In Dutch).
  • The role of minor salivary gland in developing intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinoma, poster presented in the first international congress on salivary gland disease, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Cancers originating in jaws cyst, Poster presented in BioSource Symposium, Brussels, Belgium.



  • Arabic: mother language. 
  • English: Fluent.
  • Dutch: Excellent.
  • German: moderate.
  • French: moderate


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